

Ctrl to toggle Edit Mode.
Up to speed up.
Down to slow down.
Left to jump back.
Right to jump ahead.
pg up to jump to start.
pg dwn to jump to bottom.
Space to pause/resume.
f to flip text.
minus to decrease font.
plus to increase font.

How To

1) Paste text in the black area.
2) If using second display, mirror displays and orient the image on the second display properly.
3) Hit to start scrolling and activate commands.
4) Hit if needed.
5) Once in full screen, Ctrl key toggles edit mode.

Edit mode ON: keyboard types normally, you can edit text in place.
Edit mode OFF: keyboard controls scrolling and other commands.
Note: When edit mode is on, normal webcommands won't work until you click outside the text area.

Chrome tested. Not tested in other browsers.


Paste Text Here

EDIT MODE: OFF (Ctrl) | SCROLL SPEED: - (↑ or ↓) | JUMP (← or →) | FONT (+ or -) | MIRROR (f)